فِي اللُّغَةِ العَرَبيَّةِ مُذَكَّرٌ وَمُؤَنَّثٌ.
ولِكَيْ نُحَوِّلَ الِاسْمَ مِنَ الْمُذَكَّرِ إِلَى المُؤَنَّثِ نُضِيفُ إلَيْهِ عَلامَةَ التَّأْنِيثِ، وَهِيَ -فِي أَغْلَبِ الحالاتِ- التّاءُ الْمَرْبُوطَةُ "ة" مِثْلَ:
In the Arabic language, there are masculine and feminine forms.
In order to change a noun from masculine to feminine, we add the feminine marker, which is - in most cases - the ta marbuta "ة", such as: